Please join our summer seminarian Eric Silva for Bible Study. Eric will spend the duration of the summer covering the Gospel of John. The next session will be Friday, June 30 at 7:00pm in the St. Leo Church Hall where we will continue the Gospel and talk about the Book of Signs. The Bible Study will continue to meet on Fridays as long as Eric is here (June 30, July 7, July 21, July 28, August 4). All are welcome.
Thank you to Fr. Brice for celebrating one of his first masses as a newly ordained priest at St. John Paul II Parish. We were blessed to have you with us this past year and even more blessed to be able to celebrate this special time with you. After mass a reception was held in the church hall by the parish Knights of Columbus where Fr. Brice was presented with new vestments and offered first blessings to those attending. Thank you to everyone who made this day so special and to those who attended the celebration. Good Luck Fr. Brice and know that you are in our prayers.
Continued prayers and blessings to Rev. Joseph Brice who was ordained by Bishop Tobin at the Cathedral of SS Peter and Paul this past Saturday. Photos can be found in this link and on the Diocese of Providence Facebook page
Starting June 4 through Labor Day weekend the Saturday Vigil Mass, 4:30 on Saturdays, will be held at St. Leo's Church. All other masses remain in their regular locations.