Bus Trip to Foxwoods Casino, Monday, January 21, 2019. Cost is $35 per person - includes bonus slot play & food coupon! Departs S. Cecilia's Church at 9:00 am and departs Foxwoods at 4:15 pm. Buy a ticket for a Christmas Gift! Call the rectory at 401-722-1220 to reserve your seat.
GIVING TREE St. John Paul II Parish will once again be sponsoring families for Christmas through our annual Giving Tree. Our goal is to help families with new clothing, basic necessities and toys during the upcoming Holy Season. If you have taken an angel from the tree, please return the gift with the angel by December 16th, and place it unwrapped under the Giving Tree. Gift bags are fine, also. Thank you and may God bless you and your family for your generosity of helping those who could use a Merry Christmas.
Christmas flower envelopes were mailed out with your budget envelopes for December. Please fill in the information and return it with your donation by Sunday, December 16th. Thank you.
Confession will be made available in preparation for Christmas. Wednesday, December 19 - 4:00 to 5:00 pm in St. Leo's Church Thursday, December 20, 7:00 tp 8:30 am in St. Leo's Church Friday, December 21 from 6:00 to 7:30 pm in St. Leo's Church Saturday, December 22 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm in St. Cecilia's Church
t. John Paul II Knight of Columbus Council 12613 BREAKFAST WITH SANTA Sunday, December 16, 2018 8:30 to 12:00 PM at St. Cecilia Church Hall Adults $10.00, Children under 12 $6.00, Family Price $30.00 (2 adults with Children under 12) Come enjoy Scrambled Eggs, Home Fries, Beans, Bacon, Sausage, ham, French Dip Waffles, Pastries, Coffee, Tea, Hot Chocolate, Milk and Juice. Tickets on Sale after mass this weekend, at the rectory offices or at the school office.
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mass Schedule - Holy Day of Obligation December 7th - Vigil Mass - 5:15 PM Mass at St. Leo's December 8th - Holy Day Mass - 8:00 AM Mass at St. Leo's The 4:30 Vigil mass on Saturday, December 8th does not fulfill the holy day obligation.