Please join us in the church hall for refreshments today after the 8AM Mass to say farewell to Connie Cordeiro and her family and to wish them safe journey and blessings as they start the next chapter of their lives in Georgia.
The Mass Record of 2020 is ready. To schedule Masses in memory of a loved one, for healing, or for a "special intention" please contact Kathy in the Rectory at 722-1220 or by email [email protected]. Weekday stipends are $10.00, weekend Mass stipends are $25.00. There are still many openings in 2019 also.
Vigil Mass & Holy Day of Obligation - The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Wednesday, August 14 - 5:15 pm Thursday, August 15 - 7:00 pm (there will not be a 5:15 mass)