The parish Knights of Columbus will be hosting a blood Drive on Sunday, November 29, 2020 from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm in the St. Cecilia Church Hall. Donations are by appointment. (Walk-ins will only be accepted if safe spacing permits at the time) to book. Sponsor Code 0462
Pope Francis has extended the All Souls Day Plenary Indulgence offered on All Souls Day throughout the Monday of November. In order to receive this indulgence you must pray the rosary for the dead in a cemetery, attend mass, go to confession and pray for the pope and his intentions over the course of one week.
Thanksgiving mass will be held on Thursday, November 26th at 9 AM. It will also be livestreamed on the parish youtube page. Have a Blessed Thanksgiving
The deadline to order items from our Christmas Country Store is Wednesday, November 18th for pick up on December 5 & 6. Grand Raffle Ticket drawing and Liquor Basket drawings will be this Sunday, November 22nd at 2 Pm in the church. Due to COVID restrictions, no one will be in the church other than committee members. The drawing will be livestreamed at the parish youtube page which can be reached by clicking on the title of this message.