Best wishes to you all! As you know, Bishop Henning continues to connect to parishes throughout the Diocese each month to share what’s on his mind and heart. This month is dedicated to the protection of children. The protection of youth is not only something important for Bishop Henning, but has been a lasting concern of the Diocese of Providence. We were one of the first Diocese to establish an office of compliance, to ensure safe environment protocols are followed. Please see the Bishop Henning’s newsletter in our bulletin for more information about this topic. In addition, I offer the following link to our Diocesan Website for more information.
Our 2024 Vacation Bible Camp registration is now open. Please click on the box above to be taken to the registration form. Camp will run from June 24 to 28, 9 AM to 12 noon, this year. We are looking forward to exploring this year's theme of Scuba!!!!!